Governance Responsibilities
(Tribal Council & Policy Council)
Introduction to Appendix A – Program Governance 1304.50 of the Head Start Performance Standards Manual is one of the most critical documents regarding Head Start program operations. Appendix A – Program Governance clarifies the intention of the Federal Government to facilitate the involvement of the parents of HS/EHS PROGRAM children in the development, conduct and overall program direction at the local level.
There are at least four major types or areas of parent participation in the local HS/EHS PROGRAM programs. These are:
Participation in the process of making decisions concerning the nature of operations of the program.
Participation in various aspects of the program as paid employees, volunteers, or observers.
Participation in activities for the parents which they have helped to develop.
Working with their children in cooperation along with the program staff.
If HS/EHS PROGRAM children are to reach their fullest potential there must be an opportunity for HS/EHS PROGRAM parents to influence the character of programs affecting the development of their children. The organizational structure of every Head Start program must provide this opportunity by increasing the effectiveness of parent participation in planning and implementation of programs on a local level, in order that parents may also become more effective in bringing about the positive change in the lives of their children.
Translating Federal Policies and Guideline into practice in local programs is the joint responsibility of the HS/EHS PROGRAM Program, Administration, Staff, Parents and Policy Council.
If the task of implementing these policies and guideline is approached in a spirit of mutual understanding and partnership among all parties, the result will be the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of all components of HS/EHS PROGRAM and increased benefits to HS/EHS PROGRAM children.